Quite a number of Derbyshire people attended the Road Show in Stoneleigh last week. Despite the rain - we really enjoyed ourselves. As well as all the exhibitors and attractions, it was a chance to meet up with many friends, some I had not seen for 15 years (makes me feel old!).
On Saturday, a sponsored handbell peal was rung in 4 hours 59, raising £400 for the Ringing Foundation. People paid to suggest an extent to be rung, which was drawn out of the hat during the ringing and called out to the band. My extent was number 17 (a method called Castleton) & I listened to the ringing, being greeted by Philip Earis saying "this is your extent!".
If you can get a chance to go to the next one, which maybe in 2 years time, do go. There is something of everyone, even non ringers!
For more photos, visit the Ringing World Blog - where you might even see me looking at the new ring for Clifton, Nottinghamshire. The treble of the six bells has recently been cast in Ilkeston!
Photos on this page from Roger.