What a week it has been for ringing in Derbyshire. With the National 12 bell striking competition at Melbourne on Saturday and the Olympic torch on Friday, there has been plenty of coverage in the newspaper and on the radio and TV. Around 800 ringers came to the 12 bell, how many people will come to see the torch?
Check out the 12bell website if you want to listen to the ringing, organ recital, service or results.
Oh yes, and the home team came second - our best ever result. Pipped to the post by Birmingham - judged to be 7% better.
Here is a round up of the coverage:
Friday 22nd June:
Radio Derby (1h22m into the program) interview Bob Smith and Christian Peckham on the eve of the competition.
The Independant cover the Hawkear angle, which is a computer aid to help the judges - Nail-biting countdown to Sunday's big contest...for UK's bell-ringers
Andy Potter from Radio Derby interviews Tim Peverett (2h12m into the program).
Central TV coverage of the day, recorded before noon, including the article.
BBC TV cover the competition as well in their evening news (can anyone find this).
Central TV article covering the winners of the contest.
Derby Evening Telegraph covers the story on page 3... The paper copy includes a team photo..
Recorded news item on Peak FM about the torch coming to Derbyshire, which was on the 2pm, 3pm and 4pm news.
Live interview in Derby Cathedral belfry with Radio Derby (1h46 into the program). Really great that Vicky the interviewer was a lapsed ringing and had a go live on air.
Hopfully some coverage as Bolsover, Chesterfield, Bakewell, Derby Cathedral and Derby St Peters will be ringing during the day. With BBC East Midlands broadcasting directly under the tower, we're going to ring as the torch passes the tower. This will be followed by a peal of Olympic Delight Royal starting at 7pm. St Peters will be ringing a quarter peal at 7.30pm.
Anything I've missed?
New photos of our pair
Dave Farmer is a regular photographer of our birds and earlier this week he
spent three hours down at the Cathedral watching them and taking photos.
He w...
2 days ago