Friday 5 March 2010

Maundy Thursday

Dear All
I have had a letter from Sir Henry Every (the High Sheriff) via Bishop Alastair.
Sir Henry asks whether we could be encouraged to ring the bells on Thursday 1st April at about 12.45.  The Queen is distributing the 'Royal Maundy' at the Cathedral.  The service is due to start at 11 am and we think the Queen will be leaving the Cathedral at about 12.45.  This year's service will also be the 800th Maundy service.
I realise that traditionally we do not generally ring during Holy Week but as the Bishop has endorsed this request I hope it will be possible to obtain permission from incumbents.
May be if you ring a quarter peal or peal you could add a footnote 'Rung to celebrate the Royal Maundy at Derby Cathedral.  If you do any special ringing including call changes could you let me have the details and I will forward them to Sir Henry and the Bishop.
Thank you
Jane Boden
General Secretary  

1 comment:

Chris G said...

Dear all,
if you are planning to ring for this event at your local tower, please email me your plans so that I can arrange suitable plubicity if the level of interest is sufficient.

Chris G