A while ago, I had a suggestion to put information on the website for wedding arrangers looking for ringers. This has been used a few times before, and helped save the day last week, when a mix up meant that no bell ringers were booked for a wedding over the border in Nottinghamshire! Anne Westman takes up the story:
Thursday afternoon saw a phone call from a lady in Mansfield who had come across my phone number via another ringers from the DDA website. Her friend was getting married on the Saturday at Cuckney near Mansfield and the local ringers were not able to raise a band, but she was desperate to get some ringers for the wedding - could I help? To cut a long story short, many, many phone calls later I managed to find 6 ringers to be at the church for 12.30. Ringing for the wedding was uneventful, we just rang rounds and call changes to ensure good striking throughout. The groom's father popped into the ringing chamber before and after the wedding to say 'thank you', we also got a 'thank you' from the vicar during the service and afterwards and from the churchwarden. It made such a pleasant change to be thanked for wedding ringing! Fortunately the showers stopped and allowed the bridal party to enjoy sunshine and bells whilst the photos were being taken!
Pictures below show Christian Yeomans and Simon Westman, with Matthew Yeomans and Alison West and the church.
New photos of our pair
Dave Farmer is a regular photographer of our birds and earlier this week he
spent three hours down at the Cathedral watching them and taking photos.
He w...
2 days ago
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